Monday, December 12, 2005

Who's fastest? Who should judge?

PTC advertising is apparently now targeting SolidWorks. See this posting from Ralph Grabowski's WorldCAD Access Blog.

It is funny to see how things have changed in the 10 years since SolidWorks has been shipping product. SolidWorks has gone from a completely new company to the industry leader targeted by Autodesk and PTC marketing. But who should judge who is "fastest"? I would say users are the ultimate judge. And I think most people familiar with many CAD tools would tell you that they love SolidWorks and that SolidWorks users design the best products around the world.


At 12:14 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny indeed, Mike, that Solidworks is the "victim" of the big bad PTC marketing. Did or did not Solidworks "target" Pro/E in their own assembly benchmark some time back and publish some bold claims about Solidworks performance? Quit the marketing spin - lets repeat the assembly benchmark with Solidworks vs Pro/ENGINEER - get an independent industry analyst to adjudicate. Public. Transparent. Let's let the software speak for itself, published for all to see.

At 10:37 AM EST, Blogger Mike Volpe said...

Dear "Anonymous" -

I guess what I am trying to say is that all of these "benchmarks" are pointless since they are not reality, they are a contest for vendors. The ultimate judges are educated users and the ultimate contest is the result of their work - cool products they design to solve real world problems.

How can you benchmark the ability for software to enable people to be creative? How can you benchmark the ability for software to get out of people's way and let them do their job (design great products)? You can't. The users are the ultimate judge.

My point is that we already have a "benchmark" - what software is used most often in the real world to design amazing products? I encourage everyone to ask their friends what they use and what they hear other people use and like. I think the answer is SolidWorks, but everyone should form their own opinion.

At 8:52 AM EDT, Blogger intercad said...

Any suggestions? I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering and a little experience in Pro/E btw. I am currently unemployed and I want to learn SolidWorks..

Solidworks Training


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